Terms & Conditions


Cancellation policy

Terms & Conditions

Article 1 (Purpose and Application of These Terms and Conditions)1. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to prescribe the rights and obligations between Just Be Temple and the Guest.2. Experience agreements and other related agreements concluded between Just Be Temple and the Guest shall be in accordance with the provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions, and any matters not prescribed in these Terms and Conditions shall be in accordance with laws and regulations, trade practices, or customary practices.3. Regarding reservations made using credit cards, matters related to reservation procedures shall be in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and other details related to the Guest's use of credit cards shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions between the credit card company and the merchant of this temple.4. This temple may conclude a separate special agreement with the Guest within a range that does not violate the intention of these Terms and Conditions, laws and regulations, or customary practices. In this case, said special agreement shall take precedence over these Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 (Application for Reservation of Experience and Conclusion of Experience Agreement1. A Guest who wishes to stay at this temple may apply to reserve experience with this temple, and at that time, this temple may request the following from the reserving Guest. If the Guest declines said request, he/she may face certain restrictions in reserving experience.① The Guest’s name, date of birth, gender, nationality, address, passport number, contact information, and credit card number to guarantee the reservation, etc.② Other items this temple deems necessary2. The experience agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded when this temple approves the application for reservation of experience by the Guest.

Article 3 (Declining of the Application to Reserve ExperienceThis temple may decline a Guest’s application to reserve experience in the following cases.
)1. When the Guest requests experience that cannot be subjected to these Terms and Conditions2. When there are no vacancies3. When it is judged from an objective point of view that there is a risk of the Guest committing acts that violate laws and regulations, public order, or good morals and manners4. When a Guest is clearly judged to be infected with an infectious disease5. When the Guest commits acts that cause harm to other guests or the staff of this temple, or has a history of possessing prohibited items (animals, narcotics, guns, etc.)6. When this temple assumes a burden to a greater degree than expected under conventional transactions in order to carry out the experience agreement7. When it is judged that the Guest may not stay according to the laws, etc. of the Republic of Korea8. When there are other justifiable reasons

Article 4 (Termination of Experience Agreement by the guest1. In the event the Guest cancels the experience reservation due to the Guest’s circumstances, the refund policy is as follows.① Cancellations made 14 days or more in advance of the experience date, will receive a 100% refund.② Cancellations made within 7-13 days will incur a 50% refund.③ Refund is not available if cancellations made within 6 days.2. In the case of the above Paragraph, when it is due to non-arrival or delay of public transportation such as trains or planes, or otherwise recognized from an objective point of view as not being due to any fault of the individual Guest, no cancellation fees shall be charged.

Article 5 (Termination of Experience Agreement by this temple1. This temple may terminate the experience agreement even after it has been concluded in the following cases.① Before the Guest registers for experience in accordance with Article 6A. When the information provided pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 1 is falseB. When Paragraph 1, 3, 4 or 7 of Article 3 apply② After the Guest has registered for experience in accordance with Article 6A. When Paragraph 3, 4 or 7 of Article 3 applyB. In other cases, such as when the Guest has violated the laws of the Republic of Korea, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, or the provisions set forth in a separate special agreement with the temple, and has refused requests for correction from the temple, obstructing the normal operation of the temple.2. When this temple terminates the experience agreement in accordance with this Article, this temple may claim compensation for damages suffered by this temple from the Guest.

Article 6 (Registration Procedures1. Registration for experience is possible from 3:00 PM on the date of the experience, but may be subject to change depending on on-site circumstances, in which event information will be separately provided.2. Guests must register the following at the front desk as soon as they arrive at this temple.A. Items in Article 2, Paragraph 1 or QR check-inB. Valid credit card information for payment if it is unpaid.3. When the Guest completes the registration for experience in accordance with this Article, the registration for experience for the entire period of the stay according to the experience agreement shall be complete.

Article 7 (Payment of Charges for experience1. Guests should pay at the time of reservation through the reservation site.2. Guests who fail to pay for the experience through the reservation site will pay on-site before the experience begins3. Guest must pay the charges for use after completing registration of experience in accordance with Article 6, even when the Guest has not stayed at the temple due to the Guest’s circumstances.

Article 8 (Responsibility for the experience1. This temple’s responsibility for the experience begins from the moment the registration for experience is completed, and ends when the Guest finish check out.2. This temple shall not be liable for any accidents due to the Guest’s failure to comply with the rules for use set forth by this temple and these Terms and Conditions, or any other accidents including theft cases and safety accidents caused by reasons attributable to the Guest.

Article 9 (Compliance with Rules for UseThe Guest is asked to comply with the rules for experience set forth by this temple.) House Rules  We highly encourage you to join all our meditation programs 108 bows, sitting meditation, yoga, and tea ceremonies.  We greet each other with palms together and we treat everyone with compassion Smoking and drinking is prohibited within the building. Please switch your phone to vibration or silent mode at all times. Please be mindful and do not disturb others by keeping the noise down after midnight.  We sincerely ask you to be mindful of others and help build a long-lasting community. Meals are vegetarian-oriented, including dairy products (eggs, cheese, and milk.)  Please try not to leave any leftovers & try not to consume food in the room.

Article 10 Experience time. The experience hours of this temple’s facilities are posted separately, and are subject to change depending on on-site circumstances.2. Guests who have difficulty in using the facilities or programs of this temple normally because of problems due to health or other reasons, or who hinder other guests’ use of them, may be subject to restrictions in their use of the facilities in whole or in part, and this temple shall not be liable for any accidents that occur from the violation of such restrictions.

Article 11 Cleaning timeIn principle, the cleaning time is from 11:00 to 13:00, which may cause inconvenience to guests.

Article 12 (Amendment of Terms and Conditions1. The provisions of these Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time due to the needs of the temple. In addition, in the event any provisions in these Terms and Conditions conflict with the peremptory norms of the Republic of Korea, the peremptory norms shall prevail. However, even in such an event, the effectiveness of the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall not be affected.2. The Guest shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions in effect at the time of concluding the experience agreement, and amended Terms and Conditions shall not apply retroactively.)

Article 13 (Resolution of Disputes and Courts of jurisdictionIn the event a dispute arises in connection with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, it shall be resolved, in principle, by mutual agreement between the Guest and this temple. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the competent court of jurisdiction shall be designated according to the Civil Procedure Act.)

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